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Where am I?

You are ay MoodRelate.com is the first mood based search engine. We use how you feel to find content to fit your mood. Moodrelate was created by Ted Harris .

How do I use it?

First pick the EmotoKitties that best describes your current mood. Then click the search button. One article with your mood color is drawn at random and returned. If you would like another result hit the find key again.


Sometimes you are not looking for a fact but something that fits your mood. Current search engines make this difficult to do. MoodRelate.com aims to fill this need.

What do the EmotoKitties stand for?

  • Serious /Creative: Are you looking for something imaginative or are in a serious mood?
  • Wanderlust /Nostalgic : Do you feel fidgety or would rather just sit on the couch all day?
  • Extrovert /Introverted : Are you contemplating deep inner thoughts or looking to the outside world?
  • Tangible /Abstract : Do you want to something that stimulates the mind?
  • Warm /Cool: Do you want to something that stimulates the mind?

Why only five mood colors?

Only four mood colors were picked to streamline the search process. We felt it was the minimum amount of information needed to return appropriate content.

What can I do?

You can help us by voting how well the content fit your mood by voting. The voting box is located at the bottom of the content frame. You can also vote on your preference for the content. Remember whether you liked or disliked the content is different than if it fix your mood.

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